Grief Resources
The death of someone we care about can be one of the most difficult experiences in life. Words fail to describe how painful the grief we feel can be. It is more challenging than we, or others, might expect.
The articles you will find here describe different types of grief. We offer them in the hope that they may help you to understand your own grief, or to empathize with another person's journey through loss.
This material has been written by Dr Bill Webster, Executive Director of The Centre for the Grief Journey, and are part of a comprehensive library available on the Grief Journey web portal. Dr Bill is the founder of the Centre for the Grief Journey. He earned his doctorate at the University of Toronto in 1990, and has been awarded a prestigious fellowship in thanatology by the Association of Death Education and Counselling (ADEC).
Dr Bill's knowledge of grief exists not just in theory, but from a very difficult personal experience. In 1983, Bill's young wife died suddenly of a heart attack. Her passing left him in the difficult situation of coping with immense loss while raising his two sons, who were only seven and nine when their mother died. Dr Bill has become a recognized author, and a renowned international speaker and seminar leader who draws from 30 years of experience in the field of grief support and counselling.

Understanding Grief
These articles will help you understand your own grief or the grief of another. Grief is not as simple as it's made out to be -- it is more than just "feeling sad."

Coping with Loss
These articles will help you understand the dynamics of specific losses, such as the loss of a spouse, or the loss of a pet.

Helping those who Grieve
These articles will provide you with some useful information on how to help someone who is grieving, as well as tips on how to help navigate special days and holidays, which can be especially difficult in the wake of a loss.
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Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1E 4J3